Arts celebration for children and staff

Stondon Lower SchoolStondon Lower School
Stondon Lower School
Pupils and staff at Stondon Lower School are celebrating recognition of their work bringing the arts alive.

The school has received an Artsmark Award, the Arts Council England’s award for schools that champion arts and culture in the classroom.

To become an Artsmark School, the school has demonstrated its commitment to giving each and every child a high quality art and cultural education, as well as showing ambitious plans for the future which it will now work towards with the support of the Royal Opera House Bridge.

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Artsmark schools gain access to exceptional resources as well as networks of the country’s most treasured cultural organisations, helping them develop and strengthen their arts provision.

Among a number of projects, all pupils at Stondon have worked on a Battle of Britain and DT art project, key stage 1 completed a culture challenge which addressed areas such as music, poetry, culture and craft, and key stage 2 undertook the Discover Arts Award which featured visits from art professionals who discussed their own art journeys.

The children then took part in dance, architect, photography and fashion design workshops to ensure their active involvement.

Headteacher Sarah Woodham said: “I am delighted to receive this Silver Arts mark award in recognition of our commitment to the arts. The children, staff and parents have invested a lot of time, enthusiasm and energy into Artsmark and Arts award and we are all very proud of our achievements.”