Fears over Potton quarry expansion

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Latest news EMN-170607-104524001
Central Bedfordshire Council is considering proposals by building materials group Breedon to expand Potton Quarry in Potton Road, Everton.

This would see the quarry be moved slightly closer to the town, according to independent Potton Central Bedfordshire councillor Adam Zerny.

In a recent Facebook post, Cllr Zerny said: “Although the owner states it is seeking no increase on present quarrying levels, the local authority should put in place strict limits on annual output and vehicle numbers.

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“Given the site is close to a residential area, if it is approved, my view is the start time should be no earlier than 8am and vehicle movements to and from the site should be completely restricted until this time.”

The town council is backing the call for no extra vehicle movements. It is asking for all lorries leaving and entering the site to head towards Everton. This is to avoid HGVs using Myers Road when travelling to and from the quarry.

And the town council is asking for a financial contribution to Potton’s green infrastructure plan and green wheel initiative.

CBC’s development management committee will make a decision on the quarry’s planning application soon.