Resident wants council to make street safer in Biggleswade

Parking problems in Hitchin StreetParking problems in Hitchin Street
Parking problems in Hitchin Street
A Biggleswade resident is calling for Central Bedfordshire Council to make changes on a '˜dangerous' road.

A lady who lives in Hitchin Street has complained to the council about speeding and parking issues, which she says has gradually got worse over the years.

She said: “There are more cars parking along Hitchin Street causing more congestion along an already dangerous road leading into town.

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“I have contacted the council to complain about this and asked for double yellow lines and speed humps or a speed camera along the road to ease the problem. They said they would send someone from the council out in the next few weeks to assess the situation.

Parking problems in Hitchin StreetParking problems in Hitchin Street
Parking problems in Hitchin Street

“Something needs to be done, it has gradually been getting worse since the railway bridge was closed a few years ago. More recently it has been affected by the parking charges in the town centre and commuters are also parking here and walking to the station.

“Cars speed down here, my neighbour was pulling out of her drive and was nearly hit by a speeding car, it is nearly impossible to see when you come out of your drive because of cars parked both sides. There are even cars parked on the paths, restricting access for mums with buggies. It’s getting ridiculous and is very dangerous.”

A council spokesman said: “Our parking enforcement officers do regularly patrol this location and enforce the current restrictions. However there have been a number of inspections and site visits to this road, and we are considering making changes. The road is suitable for slower speeds, and there are plans to review the traffic flow into town, as well as other future changes on Hitchin Street to help both the residents and the town.”