Tanya's in the running for marathon

A Biggleswade woman in remission from leukemia is fundraising for the charity which treated her.

Tanya Hill is running in the London Marathon next month as part of Team Legend after receiving treatment at the Teenage Cancer Trust unit at


She was diagnosed in 2015, just after finishing her Masters degree. The then 25-year-old had to go to the Teenage Unit because the adult unit was full at the time.

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“Looking back, I was definitely in denial of what was happening. I went into treatment almost straight away, staying in my own room on the Teenage Cancer Trust unit at Addenbrooke’s hospital. Further on in my treatment I spent some time on a shared adult ward, which made me even more grateful for the support I received on the specialist unit. It was bright and colourful, I was allowed company but had privacy, and the staff were amazing. They were always happy and so friendly, making the time to get to know you.”

Tanya had a stem cell transplant in June 2016 and in April 2017 was told she was in remission. With the go-ahead from her doctors she then, with her fiance Brendon Cormano, signed up for the marathon.

“I’ve always enjoyed dancing, swimming, horse riding, but running has never been my strong point and this is my first ever marathon! However, training is going okay so far. I recently ran my first 5K in London (in the snow, no less), and I have a few 10K and half marathons booked in between now and the big day,” she said.

The couple are also holding a charity bingo evening on March 21 at 7.30pm at the Pembroke Arms in Biggleswade. Tickets are available from Tanya at [email protected]
