Volunteers prepare for sale weekend at Dunton Community Garden

Dunton Community GardenDunton Community Garden
Dunton Community Garden
It is a busy time for the hard-working volunteers at Dunton Community Garden who have been preparing for a sale weekend.

The small group of regular volunteers work hard to keep up with the task of ensuring that the garden is productive and looking good.

Their next event is a plant sale and coffee morning today, Friday, May 19, 10.30am until 12.30pm, and Saturday, May 20, 10.30am until noon.

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There will be garden produce and homemade jams/chutneys on sale and activities for children.

On Saturday, visitors have an opportunity to learn or update yourself on how to do CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), provided by the British Heart Foundation.

The event will also see the launch of the pumpkin and sunflower growing competitions.

A coffee morning held in April was followed by a volunteer drop-in day with helpers of all ages tackling gardening jobs, cleaning benches, and tubs and pots sorted. The helpers were kept well fed and watered by the refreshments team and all agreed that it was a good day. New helpers are always welcomed. The garden is run entirely by volunteers. As well as the gardening there are a whole team of people who contribute in other ways. At April’s AGM members welcomed a new chair, Celia Walpole, who is well known as a member of the admin team. She will be supported in her new role by outgoing chairman, Roy Barham, who will become her deputy. A core group meet each month comprising of the trustees plus representatives of the teams that carry out the gardening, the admin and the event planning.

Visit www.duntongarden.org