Waders hauled over the coals

The small but beautiful squad assembled in August and added to over the past five months is now struggling as injuries mount up on the heavier and wetter pitches.

David Longe-King and Donovan Makoma both had to be replaced adding to a lengthening injury list. No disrespect to the players coming in, who put in a full shift, but the majority are playing out of position.

Kicking up the slope the Waders took the game to Coalville and created chances, but, they went begging. Coalville fared not much better with only a fierce shot skimming the bar from the hosts – and that gave the Waders hope that they could bring the points home playing down the slope in the second half.

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​However Coalville came out with different ideas as they stoked up the play, dominating in the second 45 minutes as they played with a renewed purpose and were always first to the ball.

It was no surprise on 58 minutes that Kairo Mitchell had time in the box to spin and put the ball high into the roof of the net.

With the loss of Makoma and Long-King seriously denting the Waders’ chances Coalville took full advantage.

Ten minutes later the game was up when Tom McGlinchey picked up on a loose ball to beat Sam Donkin’s despairing drive from distance.

Despite a final onslaught towards the home goal, the game was lost for Waders and the final free kick, from outside the box, summed up the game as it went well wide of the mark.