Be neighbourly as scheme goes to new parish

Villagers are to be helped to extend a neighbourly hand to each other, as another Good Neighbour Scheme is set to launch.

The schemes are run with support from Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) and the latest will be in Southill, Stanford and Broom.

A notice in last month’s Outlook the parish magazine, brought a very encouraging response from villagers willing to give some of their time to help with practical tasks, lifts and befriending for their neighbours.

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Rosie Kind, community development worker for BRCC said:“I am delighted with the response following this survey and can now get together with the volunteers over the summer months to help get the scheme underway.”

The new scheme for Southill Parish will add to the forty existing volunteer groups that have been established throughout Bedfordshire.

Funding from Central Beds Council has allowed the initiative to be extended to every Parish in Central Bedfordshire.

If you would like to volunteer for the new group or if you would like to start a group in your parish contact Rosie on [email protected] or 01234 834936.

Existing groups also need continued support.