Meet the volunteers at cake stall

Biggleswade Good Neighbours cake stall - Tracey Biernis, Wendy Presland and Jackie Hamilton.Biggleswade Good Neighbours cake stall - Tracey Biernis, Wendy Presland and Jackie Hamilton.
Biggleswade Good Neighbours cake stall - Tracey Biernis, Wendy Presland and Jackie Hamilton.
The busy team at Biggleswade Good Neighbours, a group of volunteers who give assistance to any residents needing occasional help, will be welcoming shoppers and new helpers at a fundraising event. On Easter Saturday, March 26, they will be holding a cake stall in Biggleswade Market Square where you can meet some of the team and buy some delicious cakes. Pictured at a previous stall are Tracey Biernis, Wendy Presland and Jackie Hamilton, chairman.

The good neighbours scheme helps out with such things as a lift to the doctors, shopping, collecting prescriptions, befriending, gardening, dog­ walking, or simple practical help such as small DIY jobs or even changing a light bulb.

Volunteers who are interested in joining the scheme are always welcome, particularly drivers. They arrange for free DBS checks to be carried out on all new volunteers. For more information call 07771 104255.

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