Grown up circus in Stevenage
The show features an blend of bizarre, brave and beautiful acts all woven into an Alice in Horrorland type story.The Circus of Horrors started its gruesome journey at the 1995 Glastonbury Festival and became an instant hit.The troupe has toured all over the world and appearing at festivals with Alice Cooper, Eminem, Motley Crue, Oasis, Iron Maiden, The Manic Street Preachers, Foo Fighters and many more.The Circus of Horrors take their show to more than 100 UK theatres each year, and have played for ten nights at London’s O2.The show created history as it became the only circus ever to reach the finals of Britain’s Got Talent and the first circus to perform in London’s West End for more than 100 years.This is a show which is only suitable for adults. It can be seen on Tuesday April 25 starting at 7.45pm. For further information or to book tickets visit or call 01438 363200