£55k in grants on offer for Central Bedfordshire new businesses – register now for free support and advice
The Central Bedfordshire Start-up Grant is being managed by Wenta – a UK-wide not-for-profit organisation with over 40 years’ experience helping new businesses get off the ground, thrive and survive through advice, training and financial support.
Georgina Wark, Head of Digital, Communication & Marketing at Wenta, starting a new business can be a daunting and lonely experience – but that’s what the business advisors are there for.
“They are all independent advisors, who have been through the process of running their own businesses, so they understand,” she said. “The beauty of that is that a new business start-up need not be alone, just having someone to talk it through with can be really helpful – starting out on your own can be a lonely thing.”
Through the scheme, grants of between £300 and £3,000 are available to help you get your business idea off the ground – you need to have a specific idea of what you need the money for and how it will help your business and it cannot be for IT equipment.
Georgina said they wanted to encourage everyone with a business idea or new business – be it a sole trader, entrepreneur, partnership or just someone looking to turn a side-hustle into an income. It doesn’t have to be a full-time business – it might be a new business less than three years old or one that is just an idea on paper.
To book a free 1-2-1 appointment to find out more, you just need yourself and your idea!
“We just need to talk to you about your business idea, you don’t need to worry about the rest, that’s what we’re here for,” said Georgina.
About the scheme?
The Central Bedfordshire Start-up Grant scheme has more than £55,000 to give away in one-off payments by the end of March. The money has come from Central Government through the UK Shared Prosperity and Rural Shared Prosperity Fund initiatives – their aim is to boost business and the economy.
The scheme is free to join and will include 1-2-1 advice and 12-hours of training and support as well as the opportunity to apply for a cash payment. There will be support, guidance and training available on everything from making websites and marketing your idea to taxes and paperwork.
Register now
Applicants must be over 18 and the business must be a legitimate one and be deemed suitable for public support by Bedfordshire Council. Once you’ve registered and booked your 1-2-1 session via the website below your advisor will talk you through everything you need to know.
Find out more here and book your free 1-2-1 session here