Appeal to store over deliveries

There could be a serious accident or injury if lorries continue to use a narrow road for making deliveries.

That was the warning from a frustrated cafe owner whose premises have been hit twice by delivery vehicles since a new pound shop opened.

Keith Siggins, who runs Siggy’s Cafe in Hitchin Street, Biggleswade has appealed to Beds Police and Biggleswade Town Council to stop the Poundland lorries from using Bonds Lane. Speaking at a meeting of the town council’s off-street car parking committee on Tuesday (April 30), Keith said the situation had become an accident waiting to happen.

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He said: “These huge lorries are using Bonds Lane on a daily basis, when it is clear that it is completely unsuitable. The other day it took one of the lorries 15 minutes just to get out of the road.

“There was a woman with a pushchair close by and the lorry could easily have hit them.”

Keith says he has visited Poundland in the market square to ask if they would consider delivering at the front of the store, but nobody has contacted him.

He added: “I can’t understand it as the other shops in the market square all have their goods delivered at the front.”

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Councillors agreed to recommend that the council writes to Central Beds Council, Poundland and Beds Police to consider double yellow lines or a weight limit for Bonds Land.

Poundland was not able to provide a comment before the Chronicle went to press.