Fifteen times marathon man Lee has raced home

Marathon runner Lee Belcher.Marathon runner Lee Belcher.
Marathon runner Lee Belcher.
A Biggleswade man who set himself a challenge of running 15 consecutive marathons over 15 days for 15 different charities has made it home.

Lee Belcher, 31, of Wells Court, made the massive journey on foot for charities including Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice, Bone Cancer Research Trust and the Alzheimer’s Society and is aiming to raise between £2,500 and £3,000.

He said: “I want to help those who need the help and by doing this challenge I hope to raise as much money as possible.

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“I chose 15 different charities and in reality this challenge is nothing compared to what people with these illnesses have to go through each and every day.”

Lee works at House of Hair in Biggleswade and with the help of his clients selected 15 charities which were either close to his heart or were popular with his customers.

Part of the reason he decided on the challenge was the fact both of his parents have suffered with illness.

He said: “Both my mum and dad have battled serious illness and many other friends and family members have suffered as well. My mum had a brain tumour and my Dad is currently suffering with cancer.”

Lee ran through locations in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Cambridgeshire. You can donate to Lee’s cause by visiting