Modern life responsible for '˜worrying' health in middle age

Modern life to blame for poor health in middle agesModern life to blame for poor health in middle ages
Modern life to blame for poor health in middle ages
Eight in 10 middle-aged people either weigh too much, drink too much or don't exercise enough, according to a new study which shows modern life is taking its toll on health.

Obesity in adults has increased 16 per cent in the last 20 years, according to data from Public Health England.

Other health problems have followed with diabetes in this age group also doubling in this period. Obese adults are more than five times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who are a healthy weight (a body mass index between 18.5 and 25)

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Promoting the health body’s One You campaign, the research shows that 87 per cent of men and 79 per cent of women aged between 40 and 60 are either overweight or obese, exceed the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO) alcohol guidelines, or are physically inactive.

People are being urged to take a moment to consider their health and the simple steps they can take to improve it in the run up to the New Year, by taking the One You online quiz at

The quiz, called ‘How Are You’, takes your lifestyle information, gives you a health score and then links to free localised, personalisable information, apps and tools.

More than 1.1 million people have taken the quiz so far and where appropriate, been directed to download apps like Couch to 5K, Alcohol Checker and Easy Meals.

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These sit alongside PHE’s other online tools like the Heart Age tool which gives you your ‘heart age’ based on your age and lifestyle.

Professor Sir Muir Gray, Clinical Adviser for the One You campaign, said: “The demands of modern day living are taking their toll on the health of the nation, and it’s those in middle age that are suffering the consequences most, as their health reaches worrying new levels.

“Over 15 million Britons are living with a long term health condition, and busy lives and desk jobs make it difficult to live healthily. But just making a few small changes will have significant benefits to people’s health now and in later life.”