In Biggleswade, the Remembrance Day parade gathered at the town council offices before marching to the memorial in the Market Square.
And wreaths were laid by civic VIP and representatives of regular forces; territorial and reserve forces; ex-service associations, including the Royal British Legion; uniformed public services; uniformed voluntary services; cadet forces; youth organisations; and members of the public.
Biggleswade Town Council and the Royal British Legion Biggleswade Branchthanked everyone who attended the parade and this morning’s Armistice Day service (November 11).
A town council spokesman said: “Special thanks go to all participants, including Deputy Lord Lieutenant Col. Leona Barr-Jones VR DL, Reverend Liz Oglesby-Elong, Rev. Martin Ceaser, Father Prashad, Biggleswade Sea Cadets, Biggleswade RAF Air Cadets, Councillors, parade representatives, veterans, Bedfordshire Police, St. John’s Ambulance, St. Andrew’s Church Choir, Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Colette Burgess (BSL), Biggleswade Community Safety Group, photographer June Essex, and many many more,
"We also thank members of the public who laid wreaths and crosses in personal remembrance.
“Our appreciation also extends to those who joined the Armistice Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11, at the War Memorial, with thanks to Rosemary Bentley from St. Andrew’s Church and Pastor Martin Ceaser for leading the service.
“Above all, we honour the men and women for whom this period of Remembrance exists – those who have served and continue to serve our country so we may live in a more peaceful world. We will never forget your sacrifices.”
In Sandy, hundreds lined the streets for the parade from Swan Lane, led by Samantha Wenn and her dog, Billy, who represented the animals who served beside the soldiers during the war.
Following them were the 1st Sandy Scout & Guide Reunion Band, Standard Bearers led by The Royal British Legion (RBL), the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire, Colonel Tony Abrahams TD and aides, the Mayor of Sandy, Cllr Joanna Hewitt, Richard Fuller MP, Robert Pashby, Central Bedfordshire Council Ward Councillor for Sandy and with several representatives from various schools and community groups and members of the public.
The Act of Remembrance took place at the war memorial on Bedford Road, followed by the laying of wreaths and a salute at Fayne’s Corner.
The Service of Remembrance at St Swithun’s Church was led by Rev Jodie Brown.
Paul Hickton, the new chairman of the Sandy & District branch of the Royal British Legion, said: “I would like to personally thank all the volunteers who gave up their time to collect funds for the poppy appeal, especially Tesco and Frosts of Willington for hosting our stall. As the newly elected chairman of the Sandy branch, I was humbled by the support from the public who attended the Remembrance Parade and Service on Sunday. To see the many generations taking part on the day is especially poignant when there will be a time very soon when there will be no living veterans who can tell us their stories.
"Thank you to Sandy Town Council for their excellent organisation on hosting this event.
“I took over from the previous chairman, Roger Sparks on October 16. Roger has dedicated 16 years of his life to the branch, so I will have big footsteps to follow in. The branch would welcome new members, whether you have served or not, and we meet on the third Wednesday of every month at the Sandy Conservative Club, with the next meeting being November 20.”

1. Biggleswade Remembrance Day
Biggleswade mayor Mark Foster lays a wreath at the Market Square memorial. Photo: June Essex

3. Biggleswade Remembrance Day
The parade passes through the town on the way to the Market Square. Photo: June Essex

4. Sandy Remembrance Day
Samantha Wenn and her dog, Billy, leading the Parade Photo: Carlos Santino