The road closures affecting motorists in the Biggleswade area this week

Areas for motorists to avoid this week - stock pictureAreas for motorists to avoid this week - stock picture
Areas for motorists to avoid this week - stock picture
Roundup of road closures on the National Highways network

Motorists in Biggleswade and surrounding areas will have seven road closures to avoid nearby on the National Highways network this week.

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And two of them are expected to cause moderate delays – with drivers facing waits of between 10 and 30 minutes.

The latest expected works list, with notes from National Highways, shows the closures already in place and expected to carry on this week are:

• A1, until 3pm July 21, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A1 both directions, Biggleswade North Roundabout to Sandy Roundabout - diversion route for su works on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc.

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• A1, until 5am August 15, moderate delays (10-30 minutes): A1 both directions, junction 10 to Black Cat Roundabout - carriageway closure and lane closures for central reservation on behalf of National Highways.

And a further five closures will begin over the next two weeks:

• A1, from midnight, July 19 to 11pm July 23, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A1 both directions, Biggleswade North roundabout to Biggleswade Road - 24 hour diversion route on behalf of Anglian Water.

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• A1, from 8am July 21 to 6pm July 26, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A1 both directions, Biggleswade south roundabout to Edworth, junction - diversion route on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council.

• A1, from 8am to 6pm on July 24, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A1 both directions, Sandy roundabout to Tempsford, junction - diversion route on behalf of CBC.

• A1, from 9am July 24 to 3.30pm July 26, moderate delays (10-30 minutes): A1 both directions, Biggleswade north to Biggleswade south - diversion route for local authority works on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council.

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• A1, from 9am July 25 to 3.30pm July 28, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A1 both directions, Sandy roundabout to Black Cat roundabout - diversion route on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council.

National Highways is responsible for maintaining motorways and major A-roads, so closures of smaller roads will not be included in their schedule.