Urgent request for help from Biggleswade foodbank at Preen

Preen CIC in Biggleswade which operates the drop-in foodbank at Shortmead Industrial EstatePreen CIC in Biggleswade which operates the drop-in foodbank at Shortmead Industrial Estate
Preen CIC in Biggleswade which operates the drop-in foodbank at Shortmead Industrial Estate
A Biggleswade foodbank has put out an urgent appeal for food and cleaning products as its shelves are almost empty.

According to manager Simon Lewis, this is happening more and more frequently.

He blames the situation on high demand and worsening economic conditions and says: “People have been and continue to be incredibly generous and kind. But there is less money around due to massive cuts to benefits.”

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The foodbank, which is run by Preen CIC and based at Unit 2, Shortmead Industrial Estate, on Sun Street, has been open for seven years and helps between 90 and 130 families every week. It is the biggest drop-in foodbank in the area.

Desperately needed items include basics such as tinned meat and veg, spreads and fillings for packed lunches, flour, oil, coffee and sugar as well as cleaning products.

If you can help, you can either bring them to the shop or arrange a direct supermarket delivery from 10am – to 4pm, Tuesday to Friday.

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