Mid Bedfordshire people need an MP who lives in the area says Conservative Festus Akinbusoye - and says he's “the better option”

Festus Akinbusoye Image (c)Festus Akinbusoye Festus Akinbusoye Image (c)Festus Akinbusoye
Festus Akinbusoye Image (c)Festus Akinbusoye
But MP Nadine Dorries has yet to resign and trigger a by-election

Mid Bedfordshire residents need a member of parliament who knows and lives in the area, according to the Conservative candidate for the constituency’s possible by-election.

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This is so important to Festus Akinbusoye that the phrase “local man” is mentioned on all four pages of his ‘Mid Bedfordshire Community Chronicle’ titled election leaflet.

“I just believe the people of Mid Bedfordshire more than ever want and require and need a member of parliament who knows the area, who lives in the area, who has worked in the area, and who understands what they’re going through,” he said. I think I fit the bill probably better than any other candidate.”

In his leaflet, Mr Akinbusoye also critiques some Labour and LibDem policies and statements.

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“It’s good to also let people know what the alternative are,” he said.

“I’m not saying anyone is bad, I’m just saying that there’s good and there’s better, and I believe I’m the better option. Let alone for the fact that I’ve got a track record, people know who I am, what I have done and how I’ve done things. And I think that speaks volumes in itself.”

“I have not bought party politics at the front and centre of what I do, my values shape my politics. My politics did not shape my values, hopefully the people think that I’m authentic. I am myself, I am not a robot, I am just an ordinary guy.

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“I am not a massively a party political guy, I just believe in what I believe is right and I fight for it,” he said.

So why didn’t he run as an Independent and run just based on his track record?

“You can be in a political party and not be party political, I have, hopefully without question, been able to demonstrate that as [police and crime] commissioner,” he replied. “I understand the yah-boo politics that people do all the time, and I get that.

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People just don’t care, all they care about is what are you going to do for my community? What have you done for my community? Can you walk in my shoes? Do you know what I’m going through in my local area? I believe I answer all of those questions – people do not care about what political party, generally speaking they just care about the individual.”

Would he follow party lines and comply with a three line whip to vote on something that he believes will be harmful for his community?

“I will not compromise on the lives of people in my community, end of,” he said.

But what if it meant losing the Conservative whip?

“I would not compromise on what I believe is best for my community,” he said. “I’m not going to be compromising my values and who I am and what I believe in, I just won’t, it’s just not me.”