Safer road plans at petrol station

ALTERATIONS to a petrol station’s road layout would increase safety, according to a planning application.

The company, S W Highland, which runs the fuel station in Biggleswade Road in Potton, has requested planning permission from Central Bedfordshire Council to construct a new exit road from the site.

The aim of this is to provide a safer exit route for fuel tankers and other supply vehicles leaving the service station. Work has already begun on the site.

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The change will also increase the number of staff parking spaces from three to five.

The application says: “Following consultation with the health and safety officers for BP Petroleum and Palmer and Harvey it was decided that in the interests of safety and convenience for the general road users, customers of the service station and the delivery vehicle drivers, an alternative egress onto Biggleswade Road should be provided.”

The alteration would accommodate the largest delivery vehicle and allow all delivery vehicles to enter the site in the usual manner and exit through the hand car wash. The present second exit would be blocked off with a 1.5m brick wall and the footpath would be extended accordingly.

To view the planning application and to submit comments visit and search for CB/11/04541/FULL