REVIEW: The Iceman

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Film critic Alison Devlin, reviews the latest films shown at the UK Cinema Showcase 2013.

Look to the person on your left. How do they seem? Normal? What about on your right?

The age-old idioms “don’t judge a book by its cover” or “all that glitters is not gold” speak truly to the renowned question - do I know you?

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Imagine being married to a man for 26 years, raising a family with him and caring for him all that time, only to have your home invaded by police accusing the love of your life of murder - numerous murders.

Impossible! You know your husband better than anyone or anything. Don’t you?

In 1986 Richard Kuklinski, a seemingly normal family man, was arrested for suspected contract killing. It was later revealed that for over twenty years,

Kuklinski had killed over one hundred people and outfoxed forensic experts by freezing his victims bodies so no time of death could be determined. This cunning method earned him the nickname “The Ice Man” and led to him being known as the most notorious and proficient professional hit man in the history of organised crime.

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Recently released thriller The Iceman recalls the abundance of killings that spanned over two decades. To bring this horrendous, yet intriguing, character to life is the macho Michael Shannon (Take Shelter, 2011) who gives a fantastic performance capturing the essence of who Kuklinski thinks he is – a provider and a family man.

Starring alongside Shannon as Kuklinski’s wife, Deborah Pellicotti, is Winona Ryder who gives a standard house-wife performance with some interestingly emotive moments where you can cut the tension in their marriage with a knife.

Though the story is not a relatable one, you can appreciate the theme of disloyalty and distrustfulness as a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.

Written and directed by Ariel Vromen, this film is not for the faint hearted. As with all seedy underworld stories, violence and incongruous behavior is not far from the screen making the film seem very true to the goings on during The Iceman’s reign. Don’t expect James Bond style assassination; instead expect a real life interpretation of what it is like to be mob-related.“The only God I believe in is a loaded pistol with a hair trigger.” – Richard Kuklinsk

Out in cinemas now.

@devlinalisonDirector – Ariel Vromen

Writer(s) – Morgan Land & Ariel Vromen

Starring – Michael Shannon, Winona Ryder, Chris Evans & Ray Liotta

Running Time – 105 minutes