No planned road closures for 5k run in Biggleswade

Event preparations are taking shape
File photo showing a close up of runners. Picture: STAN HONDA/AFP via Getty ImagesFile photo showing a close up of runners. Picture: STAN HONDA/AFP via Getty Images
File photo showing a close up of runners. Picture: STAN HONDA/AFP via Getty Images

No road closures are planned for a 5k run in Biggleswade, with a preferred route now selected subject to safety advice.

Town council officers are working with local company Jones’ Fitness and consulting with Central Bedfordshire Council’s safety advisory group on the event.

The route starts and finishes in Market Square, then goes towards Jordans Mill and north along the riverbank, returning via parts of The Green Wheel, according to a report to the council’s town centre management committee.

Fewer than 500 participants are expected for the run on Sunday, May 26, which focuses on sport and wellbeing, said the report.

“No road closures are envisaged, but supervised crossings in a couple of places will be required for a few minutes. First Aid cover will be provided, while any profit would be given to charity.

“The 5k run should promote sport and leisure activity, community events, and healthy lifestyles, as well as attracting visitor footfall to support the local economy, businesses, pubs, restaurants and mobile catering outlets.

“There should be minimal costs to the council, which will adhere to the statutory events guidance requirements.

“Officers recommend support for this venture and will collaborate with the event organisers, while supporting the CBC safety advisory group process to ensure a safe, legal and fun event,” added the report.

“A full documentation pack has been submitted to this group and officers are awaiting its response.”

BTC’s community development manager Ian Campbell said: “We’re wading through the mountains of paperwork, which have to be done for the safety advisory group before we can stage an event.

“That documentation has to be approved months in advance. We’re opting for the course preferred by the running fraternity and a couple of the town councillors.

“Then it’s the nitty-gritty of where you position the water stations and portable toilets. There are also highways issues around where people are crossing roads, managing the health and safety over that.

“It’s shaping up to be a half decent event and, if we get it right this time, I hope it can become an annual occasion.”

Town councillor Andy Skilton asked: “If the safety advisory group says we can’t do route one, does this bind us into something with which we’re unable to proceed?”

Town clerk Peter Tarrant replied: “The safety advisory group is what it says. You don’t have to take its advice, but you might be minded to.

“I agree with your analysis, if this comes back with that perception, it could be for the council to make an alternative view.”

Town councillor Jonathan Woodhead, who chairs the committee, explained: “Instead of doubling back on itself route one was chosen because this represented a more obvious flow round, rather than a back and forth route.

“It’s seen as very much as a Jones’ Fitness event, not a town council activity, but it’s appropriate we’re supporting it in the broadest sense.”

A recommendation was agreed for officers to consult with the event organisers, while adhering to the safety and legal aspects involved.